Our Structure

Socially Enterprising is a multi-stakeholder platform co-operative

Our organisational structure reflects our national, regional and local network model.

We call it ‘Mind, Body, and Soul’.

Diagram illustrating organisational structure: Mind, Body & Soul

We are a FairShares Enterprise

A FairShares enterprise seeks to extend ownership to all primary stakeholders directly affected by its operations (founders, producers, users and investors) so that they have a clear right to participate in decisions on how capital is managed.

‘Capital’ within a FairShares enterprise is understood to include natural capital (resources provided by nature – e.g. air, water and minerals), manufactured capital (machinery and premises), social capital (networks of people), human capital (workers’ energy, skills and abilities), intellectual capital (workers’ ideas and designs), and financial capital (contributions of money).

The goal of the model is to compensate the providers of each type of capital fairly and equitably.

Imagine an organisation where the knowledge creation model of Wikipedia is combined with the governance model of the John Lewis Partnership and the values and principles of the Co-operative Group?

This is the FairShares Model.

It is an approach that contributes to a society in which every adult can become a member-owner of the organisation(s) for which they work, from which they regularly buy goods, and from which they receive social services.

In short, it envisages a society in which every adult becomes a co-owner of the organisations on which they, their family and their community depend.


Income is expected from the following sources.


Membership Fees
% of Crowdfunding
Grant Funding

Medium Term

Course Fees (Organisations & Companies)
Social Investment Funds

Long Term

Professional Services
Data Services
Investments (Ideas, Identified Needs, Entrepreneurs, Community)

Income Distribution

A percentage of profit is returned to the stakeholders.

National surplus is distributed to Organisations, Networks, and Movements which require strengthening and align with the Socially Enterprising ethos.

Capacity Building, Inclusivity & Accessibility, Maker Movement, New Economy Initiatives, Citizen Science, Community Journalism & Media, Data Rights, Protection & Privacy

Regions will manage local investment funds derived from surplus.

Local Entrepreneur Fund, Creative Community Fund, Inclusive Culture Fund, % to Regional Community Foundation

Wny become a member?

Place based approaches can be used to connect people, place, and purpose.

They can also act as a bridge between needs, movements and interests.

Diagram illustrating connections between place and needs, movements and interests

As a member you will discover how design, technology, and new ways of working can all help you to achieve better results in your work or business.

You could think of it as Lifelong Learning for organisations.

It is this diverse connectivity, assorted incentives, and mutual rewards which creates such phenomenal potential for social benefit and innovation.

Socially Enterprising Light Bulb

socially enterprising

connecting people, place, and purpose.

©2025 Socially Enterprising


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