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ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change  and sustainability, is a coalition of national and international networks of community-led initiatives on sustainability and climate change, as well as organisations that support a community-led transition to a resilient Europe.

ECOLISE aims to celebrate, stimulate and increase the positive impact of community-led action on sustainability and climate change, by:

  1. Raising the profile and highlighting the potential of what is already happening across Europe and beyond
  2. Sharing and co-creating knowledge and catalysing effective co-operation among member networks and other stakeholders
  3. Influencing European and national policy development and delivery to empower, enable and build upon the benefits of community-led action.

The members of ECOLISE include international networks of community-based initiatives such as the Transition Network (representing over 1200 Transition initiatives), the Global Ecovillage Network (15,000 ecovillages), the Permaculture movement (3 million practitioners globally) and ICLEI, the association of local governments for sustainability; national and regional networks; and other specialist bodies engaged in European-level research, training and communications to support community-led action on climate change and sustainability.

By bringing these organisations together, ECOLISE seeks to establish a common, Europe-wide agenda and a platform for collective action.


To learn more, please visit: ECOLISE


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