We help universities engage with the public.
Our vision is of a higher education sector making a vital, strategic and valued contribution to 21st-century society through its public engagement activity.
Our mission is to support universities to increase the quality and impact of their public engagement activity.
Our three strategic aims are to:
Support excellent public engagement practice
- Provide people with the tools, training, resources and advice they need to engage or facilitate engagement within their organisation (e.g. CPD & training; our Engage Academy; our Engagement Resources base)
- Collect learning from our projects and beyond and sharing it widely (e.g. our publications and projects)
- Create networking opportunities to enhance learning opportunities (e.g. our Engage conference)
Create the conditions for public engagement to thrive in universities
- Consultancy to support universities in bringing about strategic change that embeds public engagement
- Products to help effect change (e.g. Manifesto for Public Engagement; EDGE tool; Engage Watermark)
- Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed practice (e.g. Research for All journal; publications)
Build strong networks and partnerships to amplify our impact
- Encourage partners to work with the higher education sector and to embed public engagement in their work (e.g. Museum University Partnership Initiative)
- Challenge those working in higher education to learn from engagement experts from outside higher education (e.g. the UK Community Partner Network)
- Inform, influence and interpret policy (e.g. our REF resources)
To learn more, please visit: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement