A large body of evidence shows that values are of central importance in leading people to express concern about...
Archive for category: Community Cohesion
What matters in our community, who cares about it, and what can we do to support them? We are bringing...
Kudoz is an experience platform connecting people with and without disabilities to splendid things to do, together. To learn...
The Bevy sees itself as “more than a pub” re-opening its doors in 2014 to provide a vital range of...
People’s Health Trust is working to reduce health inequalities across Great Britain and to help explain our approach to...
Building a new economy through a practical programme of workshops, mentoring, and live crowdfunding in Bristol, Oxford, and London....
We are a Christian charity that exists to help refugees settle and rebuild their lives in the UK. We want...
The People’s Projects gives you the chance to decide how National Lottery funding can make a difference in your...
Neighborhood parliaments in India. The two solutions to powerlessness and selfishness are: smallification and neighborhoodization. Watch this inspiring video...
People often look at the great project that come out of Transition and assume they happen by magic. They...
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