Voting is an improvement over autocracy – it distributes more power. Voting presents the image of equality: one person, one vote....
Archive for category: Organisational Structures
What are the challenges for organisations when they try to bring in design thinking? Consultant and Bootcamp attendee Matt...
Dr Etienne Wenger-Traynor discusses concepts of social theories of learning and how they relate to communities of practice and...
I’m part of several sociocratic organizations, and we sometimes get requests from what I call “sociocracy tourists”–people who want...
Every 500 years or so, European civilization and now world civilization, has been rocked by fundamental shifts in its...
Neighborhood parliaments in India. The two solutions to powerlessness and selfishness are: smallification and neighborhoodization. Watch this inspiring video...
People often look at the great project that come out of Transition and assume they happen by magic. They...
The operating system of the next economy is spreading a new definition of democracy You might have seen publications...
How and why four cardinal forms of organization — tribes, hierarchical institutions, markets, and networks (TIMN) — explain social...
This blog post connects sociocracy, a participatory governance system, to the Ostrom principles for sustainable governance of CPR (common-pool...
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